Ukraine War: Macron: Ceasefire in Ukraine possible within weeks
Like US President Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron believes a ceasefire in Ukraine is possible within weeks. "I think it is doable," Macron said in an interview with Fox News after a visit to Trump in the White House. "I think it can happen in the coming weeks." Trump had previously said that the war in Ukraine could be ended "within weeks."
"President Trump 's initiative is a very positive one," Macron said in the interview, referring to Trump's decision to contact Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. The Frenchman was also self-critical about the Europeans' handling of Russia and the earlier phases of the Ukraine conflict before the war began in February 2022.
The ceasefire negotiated in the course of the annexations in eastern Ukraine and the incorporation of the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea was constantly violated by Russia. "And we did not react - none of us," said Macron. The large-scale invasion three years ago was preceded by "a lack of deterrence." As a result, Russia decided to wage a war of aggression against its neighboring country.
Now it is important to follow a temporary ceasefire or a longer-lasting ceasefire with negotiations on a sustainable peace. This must involve security guarantees, Macron demanded. To have a deterrent effect against Russia , a Ukrainian army with around 800,000 soldiers is needed. He is also working with Great Britain on a French-British proposal for a peacekeeping force, should one be desired.
"Your president is right"Macron also acknowledged that France and the whole of Europe must do more for their own defense. "Your president is right," he told Fox News host Bret Baier.
The end result should be a peace treaty that should also include questions of land distribution and reconstruction, said Macron. However, it must be clarified to what extent the Americans will show solidarity if Russia violates a peace treaty. The credibility of the Americans and the security of the Europeans are also at stake.
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