Weather forecast for today for Wrocław. What will the weather be like on February 25, 2025?
What will happen in the weather in Wrocław? On Fakt, we publish a daily weather forecast for your region every morning. You will find there, among other things, information on whether it will be warm or whether there will be rain on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
Do you want to know what the weather will be like in Wrocław today? Will there be cloud cover and the sky will be covered with clouds? Yes, according to weather forecasters, cloud cover in Wrocław is forecasted to be 95.4 percent. What awaits us in terms of wind in the Wrocław region? Today we can expect the wind to be from the north-west, and its speed will be from 2.5 to 3.9 km/h.
Thermometers in Wrocław on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 during the day will show from 2.5 degrees C to a maximum of 12.1 degrees C. During the day, the average UV index will be: 0.4. The forecast shows that at night the temperature is expected to be from 2.5 degrees C to 3.9 degrees C.
On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, it should not rain in Wrocław. There is no rain in the daily forecast for today. What will the average air humidity be in Wrocław today? Will it be optimal? According to forecasts, it will be 77.6 percent.
What can we expect in Lower Silesia on Tuesday? What temperatures can residents of selected towns in this province expect? Check below:
City | Temperature | Precipitation |
Boleslawiec | 4.5°C - 11.7°C | no precipitation |
Bielawa | 1.5°C - 8.8°C | no precipitation |
Dzierżoniów | 2.3°C - 9.3°C | no precipitation |
Pilawa Górna | 2.3°C - 9.3°C | no precipitation |
Glogow | 2.8°C - 9.4°C | no precipitation |
Sycamore | 3.2°C - 10.6°C | no precipitation |
Jelenia Gora | 2.8°C - 10.1°C | no precipitation |
Stone Mountain | 2.5°C - 6.6°C | no precipitation |
Karpacz | 0.9°C - 6.2°C | no precipitation |
Kowary | 0.9°C - 6.2°C | no precipitation |
Piechowice | 3.2°C - 8°C | no precipitation |
Szklarska Poreba | 1.2°C - 6.3°C | no precipitation |
Duszniki-Zdroj | 1.6°C - 5.9°C | no precipitation |
Klodzko | 3.4°C - 7.8°C | no precipitation |
Kudowa-Zdroj | 2.9°C - 7°C | no precipitation |
New Ruda | 0.3°C - 7.4°C | no precipitation |
Polanica-Zdrój | 2.9°C - 7.3°C | no precipitation |
Legnica | 2.3°C - 11°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Chojnow | 2.4°C - 9.8°C | no precipitation |
Luban | 1.9°C - 11.4°C | no precipitation |
Świeradów-Zdrój | 2.1°C - 7.8°C | no precipitation |
Lupine | 6.3°C - 12°C | up to 0.6 mm |
Olesnica | 0.3°C - 10°C | no precipitation |
Olawa | -0.1°C - 11.2°C | no precipitation |
Swidnica | 3.8°C - 10.8°C | no precipitation |
Swiebodzice | 4.1°C - 9°C | no precipitation |
Walbrzych | 3 degrees C - 7.2 degrees C | no precipitation |
Boguszow-Gorce | 2.6°C - 6.2°C | no precipitation |
Jedlina-Zdrój | 1.8°C - 6.5°C | no precipitation |
Szczawno-Zdrój | 3 degrees C - 7.2 degrees C | no precipitation |
Zawidów | 2.7°C - 10.5°C | no precipitation |
Zgorzelec | 4.4°C - 10.4°C | no precipitation |
Wojcieszow | 1.8°C - 9.1°C | no precipitation |
Złotoryja | 1.9°C - 10.1°C | no precipitation |
Weather forecasts based on data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway).
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