What will the weather be like in Łódź on February 27, 2025? See the forecast for today in your area
Sun or rain? The weather in Łódź today - Thursday, February 27, 2025, can bring various surprises. Remember that the weather can always be changeable! Check what the weather will be like throughout the day in Łódź to plan your activities accordingly.
Do you want to know what the weather will be like in Łódź today? Will there be cloudiness, which will be slight, or maybe the sky will be completely covered with clouds? According to weather forecasters, cloudiness in Łódź is forecasted to be 100 percent. What awaits us in terms of wind in the Łódź region? Today we can expect the wind to be in the north-easterly direction, and its speed will be from 1.2 km/h to 3.9 km/h.
Will the temperatures drop and is it worth preparing for colder weather? How many degrees will it be during the day in Łódź? During the day, the maximum temperature is to be 6.6 degrees C, and the minimum temperature in Łódź will oscillate around 2.2 degrees C. During the day , the average UV index will be: 0.5. At night, thermometers in Łódź, according to weather forecasters, will indicate from 1.8 degrees C to 2.8 degrees C.
In Łódź on Thursday, February 27, 2025, there is no rain forecast. So there is no need to worry about an umbrella or a raincoat. What about the average humidity today? According to forecasts, it will be 88.8 percent in Łódź. However, the weather can play tricks, so keep an eye on the situation outside and follow the weather information.
What weather conditions await us today in the Łódź province? The weather forecast for Thursday, February 27, 2025 can be found below. Check detailed data for individual locations in the center of our country:
City | Temperature | Precipitation |
Belchatow | 1.5°C - 7°C | up to 0.3 mm |
Birch groves | 2.1°C - 6.6°C | no precipitation |
Kutno | 2.9°C - 6.4°C | no precipitation |
Leczyca | 2.5°C - 6.9°C | no precipitation |
Lowicz | 3.1°C - 7.1°C | no precipitation |
Konstantynów Łódzki | 1st C - 7st C | no precipitation |
Pabianice | 1.4°C - 6.8°C | no precipitation |
Piotrkow Trybunalski | 2.2°C - 7.1°C | up to 0.4 mm |
Radomsko | 0.7°C - 7.5°C | up to 0.6 mm |
Rawa Mazowiecka | 2.2°C - 9°C | up to 0.2 mm |
Sieradz | 1.7°C - 7.8°C | no precipitation |
Skierniewice | 2.8°C - 7.8°C | no precipitation |
Tomaszow Mazowiecki | 1.9°C - 8.4°C | up to 0.4 mm |
Zduńska Wola | 0.9°C - 7.5°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Glowing | 2.2°C - 7.1°C | no precipitation |
Ozorkow | 2.6°C - 7.3°C | no precipitation |
Zgierz | 2.3°C - 7°C | no precipitation |
Weather forecasts based on data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway).
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