<![CDATA[ Ministério da Saúde não informou INEM de greve dos técnicos de emergência ]]>
The inspection that analyzed the impact of the emergency technicians' strike last year concluded that INEM was prevented from defining minimum services because it did not receive timely advance notice from the unions from the Ministry of Health.
Sergio Lemos / Morning Mail
According to the preliminary report of the General Inspectorate of Health Activities (IGAS), released today, INEM "did not receive in a timely manner the communication of advance notices of the general strikes called for October 31 and November 4". In this sense, "not having knowledge of the details contained therein regarding the type and duration of the strikes, as well as the minimum services proposed, the possibility of any challenge to the minimum services with a view to their negotiation was made unfeasible". This request for negotiation by INEM "could only have been made within the first 24 hours following the respective issuance of each advance notice", according to IGAS. INEM only received advance notice of the overtime strike called by the Union of Pre-Hospital Emergency Technicians (STEPH).
The advance notices of the public sector strikes for October 31 and November 4 "were not communicated directly to INEM, but rather to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Health (SGMS) and to the offices of government members (who, in the case of health, sent them to SGMS on October 24".