The number of MPs in each province has been announced
The Supreme Election Council (YSK) has determined the number of deputies for the provinces. In the YSK decision published in the Official Gazette, it was reminded that the number of electoral districts and deputies to be elected by each electoral district is stipulated in Articles 4 and 5 of the Law on Parliamentary Elections No. 2839, and will be announced within 6 months at the latest following the announcement of the general census results.
The decision, which was reported by the Turkish Statistical Institute as the latest population information announced on December 31, 2024, included the distribution of 600 deputies by province and electoral district. Accordingly, Ankara will elect 37, Istanbul 96, and Izmir 28 deputies.
Compared to the previous period, the number of MPs in Ankara, Muğla and Şanlıurfa increased by 1 each, while the number of MPs in Erzurum, Yozgat and Bayburt decreased by 1 each.
The number of MPs to be elected by the provinces is as follows:
"Adana 15, Adıyaman 5, Afyonkarahisar 6, Ağrı 4, Amasya 3, Ankara 37, Antalya 17, Artvin 2, Aydın 8, Balikesir 9, Bilecik 2, Bingöl 3, Bitlis 3, Bolu 3, Burdur 3, Bursa 21, Canakkale 4, Cankiri 2, Corum 4, Denizli 7, Diyarbakir 12, Edirne 4, Elazig 5, Erzincan 2, Erzurum 5, Eskisehir 7, Gaziantep 14, Giresun 4, Gumushane 2, Hakkari 3, Hatay 10, Isparta 4, Mersin 13, Istanbul 96, Izmir 28, Kars 3, Kastamonu 3, Kayseri 10, Kirklareli 3, Kirsehir 2, Kocaeli 14, Konya 15, Kutahya 4, Malatya 6, Manisa 10, Kahramanmaras 8, Mardin 6, Mugla 8, Mus 3, Nevsehir 3, Nigde 3, Ordu 6, Rize 3, Sakarya 8, Samsun 9, Siirt 3, Sinop 2, Sivas 5, Tekirdag 8, Tokat 5, Trabzon 6, Tunceli 2, Sanliurfa 15, Usak 3, Van 8, Yozgat 3, Zonguldak 5, Aksaray 4, Bayburt 1, Karaman 3, Kirikkale 3, Batman 5, Sirnak 4, Bartin 2, Ardahan 2, Igdir 2, Yalova 3, Karabuk 3, Kilis 2, Osmaniye 4, Duzce 3.
Additionally, Ankara will be divided into 3, Bursa into 2, Istanbul into 3, and Izmir into 2 electoral districts.
*AA's archive photo was used in the news.