Weather forecast for today for Poznań. What will the weather be like on February 27, 2025 in the capital of Wielkopolska?
In this article you will find the daily weather forecast for Poznań for Thursday, February 27, 2025. If you are looking for information on the long-term weather for Wielkopolska, follow the Fakt weather service. See also the latest forecast for the entire region .
In Poznań on Thursday, February 27, 2025, cloudiness is forecast. The sky will be covered by clouds in: 80.6 percent. A small percentage of cloudiness means clear and sunny weather, which should not be accompanied by other atmospheric phenomena. A large percentage can lead to precipitation. What awaits us in terms of wind in Wielkopolska on Thursday? Today the wind will be from the north, and its speed will be from 1.1 km/h to 3.7 km/h.
We present the temperature forecast for Poznań for Thursday, February 27, 2025. During the day, the maximum temperature in the capital of Wielkopolska is to be 6.2 degrees C, and the minimum temperature 3.2 degrees C. During the day , the average UV index will be: 0.4. At night, thermometers will show from 1.4 degrees C to 2.4 degrees C.
In Poznań on Thursday, February 27, 2025, it should not rain. There is no rainfall in the daily forecast. What will be the average air humidity in Poznań today? Will it be optimal? According to forecasts, it will be 93.6 percent.
What can we expect in Wielkopolska on Thursday? What temperatures can residents of selected towns in the region expect? Check below:
City | Temperature | Precipitation |
Chodziez | 2.6°C - 6.6°C | no precipitation |
Czarnkow | 2.1°C - 6.2°C | no precipitation |
Gniezno | 2.4°C - 5.9°C | no precipitation |
Kalisz | 2.7°C - 7.4°C | no precipitation |
Wheel | 2.2°C - 7.5°C | up to 0.5 mm |
Konin | 2.4°C - 6.7°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Koscian | 1.7°C - 7.4°C | up to 0.3 mm |
Sulmierzyce | 1.8°C - 7.9°C | up to 0.2 mm |
Leszno | 3.7°C - 8.1°C | up to 0.2 mm |
Ostrow Wielkopolski | 3.1°C - 7.8°C | no precipitation |
Saw | 4.2°C - 7°C | no precipitation |
Lubon | 1.7°C - 6.6°C | no precipitation |
Słupiec | 2.6°C - 6.5°C | no precipitation |
Obrzycko | 1.6°C - 6.4°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Turk | 1.9°C - 7.3°C | no precipitation |
Wągrowiec | 2.6°C - 5.9°C | no precipitation |
Zlotow | 3.5°C - 5.9°C | no precipitation |
Weather forecasts based on data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway).
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